A Biologically Active Composition Indicated
For The Treatment Of Androgenetic Alopecia
(Male Pattern Hair Loss)

In addition to the significant, commercial potential for new and novel discoveries of efficacious therapies for the treatment of male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), such discoveries may also be of scientific importance.

The biological pathways of hair follicle stem cells are believed to hold key information for the development of treatments for a number of genetic diseases and disorders, including being an information repository for the development of therapies for wound healing, anti-aging compounds and advancements in tissue engineering. Novel, topical compositions which exhibit efficacy in permeating the skin appendage/cell membranes, might also be effective as transdermal carriers for the delivery of other therapeutic compounds for both local and systemic effect. Moreover, the human hair follicle is the only mammalian organ which permanently undergoes cyclic transformations (i.e. anagen/ catagen/telegon phases), that mimics follicle morphogenesis in embryonic development. Researchers believe that a better understanding of this unique, programmed cell death (apoptosis), might also shed new light on the biological processes fundamental to life and death.

A New Zealand company is claiming a discovery of a novel composition (not previously known to propagate a therapeutic effect), in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. The composition is a three-part, biologically active compound, that when applied topically to the hair and scalp is claimed to propagate measurable results within around 24 -72 hours (in positive male responders). The first, measurable results relates to the significant reduction in the mean, daily hair loss shed count in males with a genetic pre-disposition to hereditary hair loss. The second, measurable results relate to the highly apparent propagation of regenerative, terminal and pigmented hair structures, which were observed within around 14 days of the commencement of the treatment (and continued to propagate randomly over a 5 year period since trials began). Remarkably however, within a similar time frame of ceasing the treatment (ie.24-72 hours) the therapeutic effect also appears to cease (ie. mean, daily hair loss shed resumes and any new, regenerative structures are also shed). This physiological phenomena appears to contradict the existing literature, which avers that any therapeutic effect upon the cyclic transformation of the human hair follicle would normally occur and be observed over a period of months and/or, years.

Earlier, preliminary trials with various compositions, mixing protocols and application regimes were conducted with approximately 100 recipients throughout the world. The trials proved very positive, but were concluded pending a better understanding of the behavior of the active components and the narrow parameters which affect the efficacy of the composition. No adverse side effects of any kind were reported.

Whilst the active components of the discovery are known, the therapeutic mechanism(s) by which the composition apparently interferes with the cyclic transformations of the human hair follicle is not currently understood. Importantly perhaps, the therapy appears to behave as an on/off ‘genetic switch’ by rapidly affecting follicle cell behavior and is thought to be of scientific interest. If the novel mechanism(s) of the therapy can be identified and understood, then the discovery may also be a platform for the development of new therapies for the treatment of various other conditions, in both human and animal science. Such further development is currently beyond the scope of the New Zealand inventor and a more suitably qualified institution is required to advance the discovery so that its full, scientific and commercial potential can be realised.


Kel Cosmetics
New Zealand   January 2004